Wolfpack Paintball Team
Neenah, Wisconsin 2016

Welcome to the Wolfpack Paintball Team website. We are a committed five man amateur team formed Spring 2003 based out of the Neenah, Wisconsin area. Our goal is to enjoy and promote the sport of paintball by playing tournaments and scenario events at Wisconsin fields. We started off the 2003 season as a new team and played many tournaments with an aggressive approach toward learning. By the end of the 2003 season we were placing consistently in the top three at every event we entered. Our team has grown substantially over the years as a dynamic entity. The 2015 season will be an opportunity for Wolfpack to prove ourselves as a mature dedicated area team working to expand our impact in paintball. We thank you for visiting our website and hope to meet you at our next tournament. ~ Team Wolfpack
Note: Wolfpack Paintball Team is no longer active. This site will remain up but will rarely be updated. This includes updating the links to products as they move and expire. Thank you for understanding.
[January 27st, 2015] - Wondering what barrel threads your marker is compatible with? Maybe you can run Spyder threads on your Diablo marker, or did you know your Invert Mini is Autococker threads? Now you know what used barrels to look for. Anyways - We started a list of markers and barrels ordered by thread type. See: Barrel Thread Compatibility List. This is certainly a work in progress.
[January 21st, 2015] - Getting your team sponsored has never been so easy. There are actually sponsorships waiting for you to apply to... or miss out on! Visit the recently updated list of paintball sponsorships and start submitting your team's resume. Don't have a resume yet? No problem. We have some tutorials and links to a few team resume examples for you to build off of. Get busy this year and represent some of the best companies and merchants this sport has to offer.
[January 1st, 2015] - 2015 is the year we make paintball grow!! Talk to your friends and family about getting out to the field to play. Give them your expensive equipment to play with... while you play with your backup or rental gear. Make them feel welcome and show them why paintball is so much fun to play. Our sport has been in a decline since 2004. Let's make 2015 the year we turn it around. Let's make 2015 the year we make paintball a sport everyone can love!!
[December 23, 2014] - What breaks up Winter and puts a Happy Face on us? Fields releasing information about next seasons events! Tippmann World Challenge XVII isn't until September, but we will take it! It's a huge game, putting Tippmann markers against all other brands of markers in the world, to see who will come out victorious. The massive game with players from all over the US and Canada will take place at Hell Survivors field in Pinckney, MI on September 26th & 27th, 2015. See event detials and for pre-registration.
[December 19, 2014] - Still need to get some Christmas Shopping done? Gift Cards will save your day! Get Dad a Bass Pro Shop Gift Card, get Mom a Zappos Gift Card
, or get them all an Amazon Gift Card
. All are easy to purchase and print off. I can't tell you how many years these have saved me!
[December 16, 2014] - Paintball Gear Christmas Shipping is still available. Don't panic... YET! Paintball-Online has guaranteed delivery of paintball goodies to those who deserve a great Christmas. See the page for more details.
[November 28, 2014] - Black Friday Paintball Deals are back for 2014 with a huge cold snap. Paintball retailers from around the internet are offering free shipping, deep discounts, and super sweet package deals - but only for a limited time! Our Black Friday page will be updated all day as the deals roll in. Don't miss this year's best time to shop for paintball markers, accessories and gear.
[November 24, 2014] - Tippmann is offering a $30 rebate on their most popular markers. If you're shopping for your favorite paintballer this Holiday Season Tippmann has you covered. Give the gift of Tippmann markers and make everyone's Christmas great! (see details)
[November 13, 2014] - So how do you know which package deal is best for you? What type of paintball do you think you'll be playing? Do you want to play fast paced tournaments or are you going to be stalking and sniping in the woodsball field? One style of play may lead you to certain types of markers, but there are packages that will do well with multiple types of play. Find the Best Paintball Gun Package Deal
[November 11, 2014] - Thank you Veterans for your service and sacrifice. It's because of you that we can do the things we enjoy with the ones we love. Thank you.

[November 6, 2014] - Paintball Bunkers are expensive and becoming more difficult to find at typical paintball retailers. When searching for bunkers you're usually going to find $15,000 inflatable arenas or a large set for a professional field. Individual bunkers can still be purchased at affordable prices.
[October 15, 2014] - Girl lights up boyfriend in shower with paintball marker. Not sure I'd be 100% happy about this.. although she is pretty cute. See the video here.
[October 9, 2014] - What happens when a 50 caliber bullet meets a paintball loader full of fresh paint? It's a major explosion of color! See the video here: Paintball vs Real Gun
[October 8, 2014] - What makes a good long range paintball gun? Paintball guns typically shoot a maximum of 150 feet. Their accuracy at longer ranges quickly degrades. Most markers are designed for rapid fire with accuracy being a secondary consideration. That can make it challenging for those who want to play a true sniper position. Read more about Long Range Paintball Guns
Wolfpack News Archives(going back to 2003!!Warning: Huge page file size.)
Special thanks to our friends and sponsor Springfield IL Dumpster Rental for helping us keep the range interesting.