Paintball Gun Packages
Packages Under $100

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These packages are for you if you're looking to get started playing paintball. If you no longer want to pay for rental equipment these packages will provide everything needed for a beginner player. Also a great choice for less serious players that want to play on their own course or areas where rental equipment isn't available.
Beginner Packages

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These packages offer lower end paintball markers that are a great choice for people who have a smaller budget or don't want to spend a lot for paintball equipment. This is a great option for a new player, someone who doesn't want to have to use rental equipment, or as an introduction into paintball. Accessories will vary by price.
Popular Paintball Packages

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If you're having a hard time choosing, or just curious of what most other people are buying, these packages are the most popular packages purchased. Most of them are higher quality and vary in price range from beginner to advanced.
RAP4 Packages

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RAP4 has created some of the most hardcore scenario paintball equipment in this sport. There are diehard fans that love RAP4 and only shoot their brand. If you're searching for a deal on their T68 or other RAP4 markers, this maybe the category for you. RAP4 has some very good deals for people wanting a complete package.
Kingman Spyder Packages

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Kingman Spyder is definitely one of the most popular brands in paintball. It's hard to go to a field and not see many people shooting a Spyder marker. If you're looking for a gift for your favorite paintball player, this maybe the one they want you to shop from. There is a large selection of Spyder markers and accessories.
Tippmann Packages

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Tippmann is arguably the best scenario marker manufacturer for affordable guns. Their equipment starts out at lower prices and can be customized into a sniper rifle, urban assault weapon or room clearing gun. They also have some medium to higher end markers that are great for more advanced players that come as a package.
US Army Packages

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US Army is quickly becoming a favorite among woodsball and scenario players. Their guns are realistic milsim type weapons that look great on function great. These markers are very customizable and extremely reliable. They are backed by the Tippmann name and are compatible with most Tippmann accessories. These are great as a package deal.