RAP4 Grenade Launcher

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RAP4 has a huge selection of affordable grenade launchers for your paintball gun. There are several different styles to match your look or some basic models optimized for full function on the battle field. If you are ready to step up to a more realistic state of game play, maybe it's time to finally add that grenade launcher to your marker.
Most of these kits come with everything you need for mounting the unit to your gun, others require a tactical rail or barrel for mounting purposes. See each individual product for mounting details.
Add Realism to Scenario Events with a Grenade Launcher
RAP4's TM7 Grenade Launcher is constructed from a super durable all metal design. It mounts on any RIS 20mm or standard 7/8 weaver mount system. It takes all types of grenade shells and add that certain look of serious milsim to your weapon.

RAP4 Grenade Launcher
They also make a great 40mm grenade launcher that is specifically designed for an AK47. It's a total look a like made from aluminum. It has a functional trigger with a safety system and an adjustable sight. This launcher uses the popular Thunder Grenades.
The M203 Military replica grenade launcher is the perfect marker accessory for taking out tanks or bunkers. It mounts directly to your tactical barrel and is compatible with all grenade cartridges. The realistic look and feel will help you to complete your milsim weapon.
View the current HUGE selection of RAP4 Grenade Launchers NOW!
Posted by Redwood on 08/17/2010
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Paintball Grenade Launcher
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